DIVINE CONVERSATION Understanding the Oral Tradition
SHORASHIM PDF TORAH STUDY Understanding the Jewish Oral tradition
Actions become words and Words become actions.
The Jewish pre-occupation with doing has caused much consternation and many times derision on the part of other communities of faith.
In this study ,we would like to explore the Jewish preoccupation with
the "Doing of G-d's Commandments" .
More directly we want to explore the importance of the non Biblical texts like the Talmud and Mishna and Rabbinic teachings which encompass a great part of the set of teachings , laws and midrash called the Oral Torah.
The Written Torah is G-d speaking to us.
The Oral Torah is us continuing having a conversation with Him about His Word.
This Beloved Conversation with the Divine will be the focus of this SHORASHIM TORAH STUDY PDF.
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