
Humanitarian aid to the PA is embezzled for personal gain

tune, acquired during his tenure as president of the Palestinian Authority nearly 12 years ago. As President Trump is about to make monumental decisions concerning the continuity of aid to the Palestinian Authority, all eyes should be trained on one overriding issue: Graft. One need look no further than the Abbas family fortune, acquired during … Read more

The Lessons of the Wilderness

1:1–4:20 Why we read Bamidbar before Shavuot. The name for fourth of the five books of Moshe is called BaMidbar which translates as “in the Wilderness. The book called also the book of Numbers focuses on the journey of the people of Israel through wilderness . Such a journey is critical for faith and spiritual … Read more

Palestinian voters display the “culture of peace”

Arab election last week provided a powerful illustration of what Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas meant when he said at the White House “We are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” The election was held at Bir Zeit University, which has 10,000 students making it the third-largest university … Read more

Jerusalem: The Divine Melody

ed by a Divine Hand. Moshe Kempinski, , Nothing in this world happens by happenstance or coincidence. The lines of human history intersect the lines of destiny and purpose all the time. This occurs regardless if those witnessing these encounters between” time and purpose” are aware of it or not. Such is the nature of … Read more

Heaven Touching Earth

fe Lessons from the Torah Portion Parshiot Behar Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1-27:34) We are taught in the Torah portion that there is a deep connection between the revelation at Mount Sinai and the land of Israel. “And HaShem spoke to Moshe on Mount Sinai (Behar Sinai) saying, Speak to the children of Israel and you shall … Read more

Emor: Elevated Leadership

or the requirements of leadership. Parshat Emor (Leviticus 21:1–24:23) by Moshe Kempinski The kohanim as a model for the requirements of leadership – as early elections are announced. As Israel sinks into the mire of pre election fever it would be instructive to look to the Parshat Hashavua (weekly Torah portion) for insights into what … Read more