
Identifying Your Life’s Mission

by Sara Yoheved Rigler This Rosh Hashanah, electrify your life with purpose. After six months of working for the company, it’s time for your evaluation. You walk into the boardroom, where three designer-suit-clad personnel managers are sitting behind a mahogany desk. The one on the left scans your file, looks up at you accusingly, and … Read more

Colliding Worlds

Moshe Kempinski To understand the subtext of the upheaval that has gripped the world ,one needs to comprehend that we are not witnessing geopolitical unrest .we are in fact experiencing a collision of ideas, passions and theologies. At the end of the Torah portion of Ki Teitzeh we read the following; Remember what the Amalekites … Read more

Second Temple floor looked like this

Arutz7 Tiles from the courtyard of the Herodian Second Temple have been revealed and reconstructed in the Temple Mount Sifting project. Kobi Finkler, 06/09/16 17:36 | updated: 21:26 Share reconstruction of the floor reconstruction of the floor?????: ?????? ????? ?? ???? (??? ?????) At the Temple Mount Sifting Project at the Emek Tzurim national park … Read more

The King’s Torah Scroll

Rabbi Chanan Morisson While the Torah commands every Jew to write a Torah scroll, there is one individual who is obligated to write an additional Torah scroll. Surprisingly, it is neither the high priest, nor the head of Sanhedrin. It is the king who is commanded to write a second Torah scroll during his reign … Read more

Wholehearted Faith

Moshe Kempinski In the world’s understanding the following declaration in the Torah portion of Shoftim is translated in a traditionally incorrect and damaging translation; The classic western translation readsthe verse in the following manner.”Thou shalt be perfect( TAMIM) with Hashem thy G-d.( Deuteronomy 18:13) This is in keeping with another imperfect translation; These are the … Read more

Cyberspace, the final frontier

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaacov Amidror, Israel’s young cyber industry is proving to be a remarkable success story. Between the National Cyber Bureau and the budding Cyber Defense Agency, Israel can protect its infrastructure and cement its position as a global cybersecurity powerhouse. Sometimes dramatic advances are made in important fields far from the public eye, … Read more

Re’eh: Sight as a Blessing Moshe Kempinski Open your eyes and look around you and hear the song of creation. The portion of Re’eh begins with the words “Re’eh – See, I give you today a blessing and a curse (Deuteronomy 11:26). Of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, one would think … Read more