Biblical Products Shop


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the faithful compared to an olive tree and to branches that cling unto each other

King David speaks of his yearning to be a faithful servant of Hashem he writes

“But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.”(Psalm 52:8)

The olive tree is one of the only fruit trees that does not lose its leaves in the winter.

Walking in faithfulness is an awareness that G-d's covering is constant.

Yet j olives aren't picked but rather the tree is hit with large sticks or shaken to shake off the olives. Then the olives are crushed to extract the pure oil.

Walking in faith necessitates an understanding that this walk will be filled with challenges and crushing experience.

ll this with the purpose of drawing out the purest potential in our lives

Yet the promise is that no matter how long or arduous the voyage may be the olive oil will always rise to the top


PRICE $65 sterling silver pendant and chain

Free shipping

SIZE 1.5 inches height

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8 thoughts on “Biblical Products Shop”

  1. I was blessed in 2018 to have gone into the shop and purchase Ruth. Moshe was so kind and patient with me as I was in a rush to meet the bus!
    The ‘paintings’ are beautiful and amazing.

  2. I visited your shop Moshe, in the beginning of February this year. I purchased a Queen Esther ring and it reminds me daily of you and your shop. I also purchased a book for my mom and you gave her a book mark. I enjoy your ongoing web teachings. God Bless you.

  3. Shalom Moshe and Dov. In Moshe’s most recent podcast there is a piece of art work beh8nd his head that looks like an olive tree menorah with the seven species as the branches. I would really like to purchase this.

  4. In 2018, our group visited the shop. Rabbi Kempinski closed his doors in order to speak with us and
    share his open heart with us. Even though all were Christians, I sensed the connection of his heart and mine.
    I had just walked over after a time of prayer, reflection, and power at the Kotel. I had been to “my Father’s House.”
    After our brief conversation, the rabbi gave me an incredible gift of a Magen David, which I treasure. I hope to return to Ereetz Yisrael
    soon and sit with the rabbi again. He is an example of the incredible and mystical bond between those who truly
    believe and follow in serving The Lord Our G-d.

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