Moshe Kempinski

Days Of Concern

Day of MourningThe 17th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz is one of the fast days enumerated in the book of Zecharia(8:19) called the “fast of the fourth month”. In the Hellenistic mind set that has defined most of western thinking for over two thousand years, “Time” is viewed as a linear line moving from point A to point B. the Jewish and Biblical view of the world views specific dates and appointed times as gates through which time flows through in a cyclical and upward spiral fashion.

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With All Your Heart

The tribes of Shimon and Levi  have an unusual and tempestuous relationship. They were  in fact a combustible twosome when together. In an act of anger and revenge they plot and carry out the murder of Shchem ben Chamor and his entire city because of his rape of their sister Dinah .

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The Consequence of Anger

We read in the parsha the following account of the death of Miriam, the sister of Moshe, that Miriam”died there and was buried there” (Numbers 20:). The torah does not even offer even a minor description of the ensuing burial and mourning but immediately informs us that “there was no water for the people.”  (Numbers 20:2)

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Parshat Korach

The Prayers of Moshe and Samuel

Prayer is really about changing the one praying, not the external situation.

We read in Psalms:

Moshe and Aaron among His priests, and Samuel among those who call in His name, would call out to HaShem, and He would answer them (Psalm 99:6).

What was the essence of the power of these individuals that ensured that their prayers were answered? Why is Samuel connected the Moshe and Aaron in this verse?

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