Moshe Kempinski

Loving-kindness or Judgment

We are living in a world that seems to be moving towards upheaval and confusion. We see signs of that upheaval all around us. How are we to understand those signs. How wary must we be of reading too much into those signs? In the parsha we see that there was a time when G-d openly used signs and wonders to help us re-navigate back towards Him and His purpose. The malady of Tzaraat was such a sign.

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Parshat Tazria

Parshat Tazria  (Leviticus 12:1-13:59) — This week’s Torah portion begins an exploration of Tumah and Tahara, impurity and purity. What do those terms really mean? What is the common thread that binds the the birthing mother and the one  struck by the spiritual leprosy called Tzaraat? What does such a thread teach us about our own living with our Divine imperatives?

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The strength of a Jewish Army

“Aaron lifted up his hands”  …..The strength of a Jewish Army

We are entering into another period of unease around our borders. The Hamas is sending missiles into Beersheba and Ashdod. The Hezbollah is busy arming themselves and the Fatah are cozying up with their more militant allies in the Gaza strip .Murderers are being sent by Palestinian leadership into  the houses of innocent civilians .Terror has returned to the streets of Jerusalem. It is a time of concern and edgy readiness..

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Gathering the Ashes

As we enter the week of Purim we are very aware that it is a time of “NaFochHu” , a time of dramatic overturn.”  as the days when the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month that was reversed for them from grief to joy and from mourning to a festive day-“( Esther 9:22) . Yet such a time also bespeaks of a difficult and painful time that precedes the reversal into days of joy and gladness. Such is the situation during this Purim which will fall just as the mourners for the Fogel family “stand up” to re-enter life. A life that is a mixture of spiritual fire together with the cold ashes of what was.

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