
“If Not Now, when?”

Moshe Kempinski Life Lessons From the Torah Portion In the Torah portion of Lech Lecha we read the following; And Hashem said to Avram,( Abram) “Go forth from your land and from your birthplace and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. And I will make you into a great … Read more

Lech Lecha: Father of Many Nations Rabbi Chanan Morisson Notarikon in the Torah Abbreviations and acronyms are common in rabbinic writings, but they are rare in the text of the Torah itself. Nonetheless, the Sages observed that a few acronyms — notarikon in Aramaic — may be found in the Torah. The first and clearest … Read more

A Letter to the Western Wall

by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller Thank you for inspiring me, for comforting me, for unifying our people. Dear Western Wall, You’ve been in the news a lot lately. It seems like scarcely a day goes by without someone spreading lies about you. Unesco voted twice in recent weeks on a resolution saying that there was … Read more

Faithfulness and Faith

Moshe Kempinski Life Lessons from the Torah Reading We are all familiar with the phenomenon. We yearn for a certain book or an item. We anticipate finding it and think of what wondrous things it may reveal. We finally find it and place it on our shelf or in a drawer and we are content. … Read more

Muslim Proof of Jewish Temple

BY ILAN BEN ZION Centuries before trying to deny it, Muslims carved Jewish link to Jerusalem into mosqueNewly studied inscription from Mosque of Umar dated to 9th or 10th centuries highlights correlation between Dome of the Rock and biblical Jewish temples A recently studied inscription from a mosque near Hebron offers insight into how, until … Read more

The Lonely walk of Faith

Moshe Kempinski Torah portion of Noah Genesis 6:9–11:32 A walk of faith can in fact become a very lonely walk. Isaiah declares the following ; “Hearken to the word of Hashem, those who are zealous( or diligent) of His word ( Haredim LeDvar Hashem) , “Your brethren who hate you, who cast you out, said, … Read more