
The Music of Teshuvah

Rabbi Chanan Morisson What is the significance of the various blasts of the shofar? The shofar is a wake-up call, stirring us to mend our ways and do teshuvah. As Maimonides wrote in the Mishneh Torah, the shofar calls out to us: “Sleepers, wake up from your slumber! Examine your ways and repent and remember … Read more

4Lessons for the next US president

Prof. Louis René Beres, 28/09/16 06:43 Special to Israel National News: Oslo’s still conspicuous failures must be noted and addressed. If anyone had thought that the core premises of Oslo might still be valid, and that there was still room for a meaningful “Two-State Solution,” Mahmoud Abbas recently offered a sobering response. According to the … Read more

The Sound of the Shofar

by Moshe Kempinski We are entering into the “Days of Awe”, the time of judgment and repentance. We approach these days with anticipation mixed with fear and trembling. The Torah calls the first days of the new year, Yom Teruah, the day of the call of the shofar; “The first day of the seventh month … Read more

Have rolled-back sanctions rolled-back Iran’s rogue policy?

Yoram Ettinger“Israel Hayom,” The July 2015 nuclear agreement with the Ayatollahs of Iran is perceived by the USA as a binding, strategic agreement of peaceful coexistence with Iran. In contrast, the Ayatollahs view it as a tenuous, tactical agreement, advancing an offensive strategy against “the arrogant, infidel American Great Satan,” to be abrogated as is … Read more

The Never-Ending Debate Over the Iran Deal

Tablet Mag Arms-control agreements tie the earth-shattering drama of great power politics to a set of vague and highly technical obligations and tradeoffs, the larger significance of which can sometimes only be glimpsed in retrospect. Moreover, they’re meant to last in perpetuity: Just as the Non-Proliferation Treaty is intended to permanently halt the spread of … Read more