Parshat Emor

Emor ( Leviticus 21:1–24:23) —   he powers of stirring the Heavens from below while being wary of the dangers of being too politically correct.

The Torah section of Emor (“Speak”) HaShem tells the kohanim that they must be careful with their role and responsibility as teachers and leaders. The Torah reminds them of the need to stay away from the ritually impure contact with a dead body.

Why do Kohanim need to more careful of such contact?

What is the basis of such an impurity?

Furthermore A Kohen may not marry a divorcee or a woman with a promiscuous past.In fact a kohen gadol can marry only a virgin. We also learn that a kohen with a physical deformity cannot serve in the Temple.

Why does his marital relationship status impact his work as a Kohen (priest) in the Temple?

What impact do physical deformities have on his service as a priest in the Temple?

The portion then also describes what is called the MIKRAEI KODESH ,the Callings of Holiness or the festivals of the Jewish year:

What does the name “Callings of Holiness” imply?

What do they call forth?

Though it begins with a description of the festivals it commences with the Shabbat.

What does that teach us?

In the Bible, the Festivals are called Times of Joy and the Shabbat a Time of Oneg (Delight). What is that so?

We learn about Pesach, the counting of the omer, Shavuot, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and then Sukkot. The portion ends with a discussion of the lighting of the menorah in the Temple, and the showbread placed weekly on the table there.

What is the connection between the prohibition of yeast on Passover, the Barley “Omer” offering, and the showbread?

Finally we are enjoined not to desecrate G-d’s name and we hear of the incident of a man executed for blasphemy.

Listen to this week’s Podcast:

Parshat Emor

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