
Serpents and Wells

Moshe Kempinski The torah begins with a description with the words “G d spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying: This is the” Chok “of the Torah which G d has commanded.” Numbers 19:2) The word “Chok” alludes to the segment of commandments that are supra-rational. That is to say that they come from a … Read more

The Power of the Incense

Moshe Kempinski Ideas and vision are important tools in furthering us into growth and achievement. Yet at times the passion to fulfill an idea or a vision tramples all who stand in the way and those who dare to disagree. That divisive trait destroys the purity of the ideal and ensures its failure. It is … Read more

The Leader as Servant

Rabbi Lord Sacks Korach had a point. “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the LORD is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the LORD’s assembly?” (Num. 16:3). At the heart of his challenge is the idea of equality. That surely is a Jewish … Read more

The Courage to Break Through

Moshe Kempinski ” the complacency of the fools (Shalvat Kesillimi) shall cause them to perish” ( Proverbs 1:32) Opportunities and possibilities surround and beckon us in our lives . Yet, usually we are too set in our ways, stuck in our expectations or so fearful of change, that we let these opportunities pass us by. … Read more

The Third Passage of Shema

Rabbi Chanan Morisson ( Based on the writings of Maran Harav Kook) Every evening and morning, we say the Shema, Judaism’s supreme declaration of monotheistic faith. In the first passage, we accept upon ourselves the yoke of God’s sovereignty. And in the second, we accept God’s commandments. Interestingly, the Sages added a third paragraph to … Read more