
Celebrating a Promise

Moshe Kempinski The very slavery that the Israelites endured in Egypt was actually part of a promise G-d made to Abraham. In that promise He promises the Land of Israel to Abraham’s descendants but implies that the formation of a people worthy of such a land will require a forging furnace. Egypt would be that … Read more

Piece of broken glass

Att’y Stephen M. Flatow One piece of glass has ruined everything for the Palestinian Arab cause. Ordinarily, a piece of broken glass lying on the ground is unsightly litter at best, a danger to bare feet and pets at worst. But not in the Middle East–there a piece of broken glass has the power to … Read more

“Thrive like a Cedar”

Moshe Kempinski The saga of the biblical Metzorah (spiritual Leprosy) is the saga of choices. Generally the Metzorah has lost his power of choice. He has become subjugated and enslaved by his anger, insecurities and jealousy. Those are the ingredients that led to the first murder in the Bible. Now it came to pass at … Read more

In The Eye of the Beholder

Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran What makes a photograph museum worthy? What is it about the photographer’s eye that allows him to take a memorable shot? After D-Day, tens of thousands arrived in New York, but only one captured image defines the moment. The horrors of war are beyond counting, yet a single searing image of … Read more

The Malady that Heals

Moshe Kempinski We read in the Torah portion of the spiritual affliction called Tzaraat . Through the ages this affliction has been translated as the Leprosy we know of today which is known as Hansen’s disease. Yet the Tzaraat of the Bible was in fact not a physical disease at all. Rather it was a … Read more

Immersion in Water

Rabbi Chanan Morrison “If any of these dead [animals] falls on a vessel, it will become unclean…. That article must be immersed in a mikveh …” (Lev. 11:32) The topic of ritual impurity is a difficult one. This impurity is not a tangible quality that may be seen or felt. It is a spiritual contamination, … Read more