
The Hand of Esav

Moshe Kempinski As Yaacov ( Jacob) returns triumphantly back to the land of Canaan with his extended family and his many flocks and herds we see his confidence quickly disappear. “The angels returned to Yaacov, saying, “We came to your brother, to Esav( Esau) , and he is also coming toward you, and four hundred … Read more

The European Union and the Yellow Star

by Rabbi Benjamin Blech EU’s edict to label products from Israel came out on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. The coincidence of the calendar is nothing less than remarkable. Last week, the European Union laid out new guidelines for labeling products from Israel. Farmers, vintners and manufacturers in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan … Read more

Bands of Angels

Moshe Kempinski Jacob, our forefather, was fleeing from his house. He was escaping from a brother who was set to kill him. He was running from a father who may have lost some measure of faith and confidence in his son. He was leaving without knowing when he was to return. And he was leaving … Read more

The Love of a Parent

Moshe Kempinski Regarding Yaacov (Jacob) and Esav( Esau) we read the following; And Isaac loved Esav because [his] game was in his mouth, but Rebecca loved Yaacov.( Genesis 25:28) Why would that be so? After twenty years of childlessness, Rivka ( Rebecca)and Yitzchak ( Isaac)are blessed with twin boys. Yet even this much awaited pregnancy … Read more

Israel is stronger than assassins

From Giulio Meotti Israel is right and Israel’s citizens are courageous enough to stand up for that. This month of terrorism left 10 Israelis murdered and 127 wounded. Stabbing attacks, shootings and car rammings have also been able to hit Israel’s economy, expecially in Jerusalem. It is nothing compared to the Second Intifada’s carnage, but … Read more

Being a Blessing

bsd Moshe Kempinski REPOSTING BEFORE SHABBAT When we first encountered Avraham in the Torah portion of Lech Lecha we read of a powerful blessing that includes an unusual phrase; “And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And … Read more